Saturday, April 26, 2008

The COUNTDOWN begins...

Three days until I'm halfway across the world...Every time I think about being in Romania and working with the children there I get excited, nervous and anxious all at the same time - but truth be told I can't wait!!! All semester I've been taking courses at Brigham Young University in an attempt to help me prepare for my escapade, but I have a feeling nothing will completely prepare me for the events I'm going to experience - both good and bad, happy and sad. It's so interesting how you can create a vision in your mind of what a place will be like even when you have never been there before. I already have in my mind the way everything will look, taste, feel and smell in Romania. I'm sure in a few more posts I will express how wrong I was about everything...but that's what makes visiting a new country so exciting....everything is different but I'm sure familiar - at least in some ways...

The past couple of days I have been frantically trying to get ready to leave...Last night I said goodbye to my favorite aunts after dinner at Texas Roadhouse and shopping at Target where we picked out the ugliest outfits we could find for one another....A very interesting experience to say the least...I will dearly miss them!

Yesterday my mom and I went shopping all day to get ready for Romania. A large part of the supplies consisted of calamine lotion, Benadryl and itching ointment. Apparently my apartment in Romania (named Scala) has fleas...I think that is what I'm most concerned about right now... Today my mom and I went shopping for toys for the kids. We got all kinds of good stuff that the kids will love! Bubbles, silly putty, little cars and a few books. My favorite toy is this pink squishy ball and the bubbles...hopefully the kids will love it. I'm already having way too much fun!

P.S. My mom worked very hard to sew the required "Y" patch onto my scrubs. She is such a homemaker....


kurt and angel blain :) said...

ahhh whit holy shoot you are leaving so soon but that is soo exciting!!! your photos are all so cute!! hah love the attempting to pack photos haha thats about what my suit case looked like when coming home from the cruise... haha you are so cute girl!!! i'm so glad you have you a blog wicked sweet!! and you totally better keep in touch with me!!! i love you whit!! :)

Allison, Dave, and Bailey said...

I'm so excited for you!

Kendall said...

Miss you soooo much :'( I want my whit back!!!
